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"We will continue working to make San Jose the greenest, safest and most convenient city to live, work and raise a family in."
– Councilmember Arjun Batra

It has been a great honor to serve the residents of District 10 as your current Councilmember. I’m proud of the progress we’ve made so far on homelessness, housing, public safety, emergency services,  parks, and a cleaner city. I'm committed to continuing our work together to make our city even greener, safer and more convenient.

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About Arjun Batra

I’ve lived in the same San Jose District 10 neighborhood for the past 36 years. It’s where my wife and I raised our two sons. Our grandchildren play in the backyard. San Jose has given us so much and I want to give back, to make our City even better.

As a high-tech business executive in the private sector, I spent decades at Intel and IBM working with diverse international teams to develop advanced technical solutions to complex problems. In the mayor's office and on the commission to oversee Measure T bond spending, I learned the ins and outs of city government and how to manage our tax dollars wisely.  Now, I apply my broad technical and management skills and public sector experience to solve our city’s most pressing challenges.

In my current role as councilmember, I have demonstrated that I listen to my constituents to understand their concerns on the issues, and with my analytical and management skills, I help create simple, cost effective, and common sense policies for the betterment of all residents of San Jose.  

I’m running for re-election so that we can continue our work together to make our city greener, safer, and more convenient.

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