We are all part of the solution. In my decades of work in the public and private sector, I learned that complex problems require input from the whole community.
I approach my work on the City Council the same way. I am a voice for District 10. I’ve made it my top priority to reach out to community members and advocate on their behalf. By approaching issues from the ground up, we’ve been able to make a difference.
My focus is on identifying and solving problems, using proven practices, smart data, and collaboration. I respect diversity and have led diverse teams working in India, Canada, UK, and the USA.
Giving back. On leaving Intel in 2016, I have been serving the City of San Jose in various pro-bono roles, including as an Encore Fellow in Mayor Sam Liccardo’s Technology and Innovation group; Board member of Information Technology Advisory Board; Smart City Advisory Board; and Chairman and Vice Chairman of Community Oversight Committee for Measure
Below are the issues that I will continue to focus on as our District 10 Councilmember:
We need a framework to make significant progress in both the short- and long-term. I support creating more affordable permanent housing but that process can take years and we need to move unhoused residents off the streets now so they get the services they need for rebuilding their life.
The sad truth is that this problem is getting worse. Over the past few years, we’ve seen tents and encampments proliferate. Many residents tell me that they are afraid to use public parks or hiking trails. This isn’t right. Our shared spaces should be for everyone - and yet, we have not done enough to get the unhoused residents the help they need right now.
Creating more transitional shelter now so unhoused residents can have secure housing off the streets
Expand mental health and addiction treatment
Provide job training and placement assistance
Hire more caseworkers so we can better meet the individual needs of unhoused residents and maintain dedicated points of contact
Preventing homelessness by helping those at risk of eviction with rental assistance
Enforce laws to ensure encampments respect the peace and safety of nearby residents.
The Progress We’ve Made
Interim housing: I have supported the mayor's agenda of increasing the supply of Interim housing by quick-build basic Emergency Interim Housing (EIH) on properties owned by the city and agencies like VTA, Caltrans and conversion of under utilized hotels /motels.
City’s Cash for Trash Program: The City is providing unhoused residents with income by hiring them to clean trash in encampment areas. This not only has helped unhoused residents with work, it has made our shared spaces friendlier and more accessible for families.
Championed an audit of city homelessness programs to properly account for $300 Million spend of taxpayer money, show real outcomes, and improve effectiveness.
Developed the concept of "no re-encampment areas."
We need to get police the tools and resources they need to keep our communities safe. We have far too many vacancies and that makes San Jose less safe - for our residents and officers alike. An understaffed and under-resourced police force runs the risk of putting officers in danger. That’s not acceptable to me or the residents of District 10.
I’m also working to add more paramedics to our Fire Department. Hiring and training more paramedics will result in faster response times and quicker medical care to our residents when we need it the most.
I have worked closely with Chief Mata to identify the needs of our Police Department so they can be more effective. And I’ve worked with my colleagues on the City Council to provide the equipment and tools so we can make a meaningful difference.
The Progress We’ve Made
Councilmember Batra successfully halted the plan to convert the Monterey/Bernal tiny homes site into a jail diversion facility, opposing the plan from the moment it was discovered.
Supports Prop 36 to improve enforcement and hold criminals accountable.
More Police Academies: Budget 2023-2024 funded two additional police academies so we can train more officers and fill some of the 100 vacancies in sworn officers.
Tools and Equipment: We have provided the resources for our Police Department to purchase new technology and equipment to make our force more efficient and effective.
Prevention: I have worked closely with our local police captain to connect residents of District 10 to the Department so we can all work together to prevent crime by leveraging technology and helping police solve crimes when they occur
Safety around schools: Children should be able to walk / bike to school without fear. I have supported AB645 which allows six cities to install speed cameras to cite drivers speeding especially near schools. I have been working with DOT to install speed humps and other quick build measures to make streets near schools safer in D10 - even one crash or incident is one more than the society can tolerate.
Creating more affordable housing is crucial for our future success. Unfortunately, red tape ties up too many promising projects. I have worked closely with San Jose’s Planning, Building and Code Enforcement (PBCE) to eliminate and reduce barriers for housing creation. Using data and common sense, we’ve identified a number of ways we can make it easier to create the housing we desperately need.
The Progress We’ve Made
Streamlining Housing Creation/Renovations/Extensions. I’ve advocated for specific steps and PBCE has committed to take action to shorten the timeline of project approvals, reduce uncertainty and lower the costs of new developments. PBCE has launched the “Best Prepared Designer Program” under which many renovations/extension projects get a building permit in three to five days!
Bridging the Divide: We have worked to bring City workers together with the public so we can have a more transparent and open process for housing creation. PBCE scheduled two public study sessions in September and October to encourage community participation and promote unity.
Successfully removed red tap, automated building plannings activities, and shortened the timeline for permits to increase supply of house thoughtfully.
Parks aren’t just for entertainment. They help keep us healthy. They bring us together as a community. But I often hear from families that they don’t feel safe using city parks. That is why I’m dedicated to making our city parks cleaner and safer for our residents.
I’ve worked closely with our residents and the City to activate our public spaces so people can congregate and have fun together and pushed for measures to bolster safety and park upkeep.
The Progress We’ve Made
Promoting Public Spaces: My office has worked to publicize and recruit for community events in District 10, so we can bridge the gaps that may divide us and share in the joys of living in a highly diverse San Jose. I personally attend most of the outdoor events (Concerts in the Park, Viva Park, 4th July Celebration at Almaden Lake, Block Parties in streets and Parks etc.) to be with our neighbors, to encourage the attendees and the organizers.
Adopt-A-Park: We are pushing for 100% park adoption in District 10. Park sponsors play an instrumental role in keeping parks clean and safe and by partnering with community organizations and local businesses, we can do more with scarce city resources.
Mental health and addiction issues are complex challenges that affect not only individuals but entire communities. As your City Councilmember, I recognize the urgent need for comprehensive mental health and addiction services in San Jose. I am committed to expanding access to quality care, supporting evidence-based treatment programs, and ensuring that our most vulnerable residents receive the help they need. By addressing these issues head-on, we can create a healthier, safer, and more compassionate San Jose for all.
The Progress We’ve Made
Drafted the San Jose Lifting Up Lives program to hold our county responsible for providing mental health care, treat drag addiction, and provide other required social services.
Arjun on the Issues
Click on the issues and learn what Arjun fights for and his plans for San Jose.