Arjun Batra
A Message of Gratitude from Councilmember

To the amazing residents of District 10:
– Councilmember Arjun Batra
Thank you for your trust, your support, and the opportunity to serve
Together, we have accomplished so much. Through community events like our 4th of July celebrations, concerts in the park, Viva Parks events, and our “Talk with Batra” sessions, to addressing some of the most critical challenges facing District 10, we have made real progress. By listening closely to you and being guided by your input, feedback, and suggestions, we have achieved the following:
Approved $2 Billion+ Kaiser Hospital Expansion & Modernization in D10
Stopped the proposed Community Opportunity to Purchase Act (COPA) from becoming an ordinance
Streamlined the building and renovation permitting process to reduce permitting time to 5 days from 1.5 years
Strengthened public safety with a fair, transparent process for investigating police misconduct
Implemented traffic calming measures on numerous streets
Blocked the jail diversion facility in South San Jose
Advanced cost-effective solutions for homeless shelters
Established no-encampment zones & enhanced cleaning requirements around Emergency Interim Housing (EIH) sites